Have you ever heard the term “calcium deficiency”? If yes, can you explain the major signs of calcium deficiency? Wait, is it hard? If not, this blog will help you. 

Calcium deficiency is a situation when your body lacks calcium nutrients. It is also called ‘Hypocalcemia’. In the human body, nutrients play a significant role. It’s a mineral your body needs to maintain strong bones. In other words, calcium gives your body muscles strength and hardness. Yet, there are times when your body lacks these minerals. Although, it becomes hard to note the signs that tell you about it. Want to know what are the major signs that show calcium deficiency in the human body? Keep reading this page till the end. 

What Does It Mean By Calcium Deficiency? 

As said above, Calcium is essential for your body. You need calcium as it gives power to your muscles. Apart from that, your nerves take help from calcium to carry messages between your brain and other part of the body. 

But at times situations arise when your body lacks it. Usually, the amount of calcium needed in one’s body differs according to gender, age, and sex. And many times we ignore the proper calcium intake which results in low levels of calcium. Although such conditions are not always risky, they can become serious if remain unattended by any physician. That is why understanding low calcium levels symptoms becomes important. 

Major Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Here are some major symptoms of low calcium in the body that help you understand that you need to contact your physician. 

  • Usually, mild hypocalcemia doesn’t show any severe signs. However, there could be oral health issues. After all, calcium helps your teeth remain strong. It gives power to your jawbone. So, when there’s a lack of calcium in your body, you might suffer from tooth decay or gum disease. 
  • Many aren’t aware but calcium is good for heart health as well. So, a calcium deficiency can lead to cardiovascular diseases as well. 

Then comes the severe symptoms:

  • Fatigue

It is one of the major signs of calcium deficiency. In the early stage, your cells first become undernourished. So, this leads to anxiety, fatigue, and aches in your body. 

  • Muscle Pain

Calcium level directly impacts muscle health in your body. So, if you’re lacking calcium, that means you are prone to muscle-related problems be it minor aches or severe diseases. 

  • Brain Problems

Calcium deficiency symptoms also include a risk of brain-related issues. Since this mineral is helpful during brain functioning, lacking it may lead to issues like dizziness, memory issues, and others. 

  • Seizures & Numbness

People with low calcium levels can also be triggered by seizures in rare cases. Moreover, since calcium helps our nerves as well, it can affect our nervous system if not present in adequate amounts. 

  • Other Symptoms

Apart from these, some minor signs also include dry and scaly skin and brittle nails. Moreover, you might end up feeling more stressed and depressed. 

Keep in mind, in any case, if you start feeling chest pain along with any other symptoms you must get in touch with your physician as soon as possible. These signs of low calcium should never be overlooked. 

Read More: How Does Broccoli Boost Immunity

Foods For Calcium Deficiency

If you are aware of the calcium deficiency signs, here are some foods that can help you save yourself. 

  • Milk

Milk is the best source of calcium that is easily accessible. The best part about milk is, it is easy to digest. Plus, it offers other health benefits as well. Therefore, milk becomes the top source of calcium intake. 

  • Seeds

There are seeds available like chia seeds, poppy seeds, and celery. These are known for their nutritional composition and a good source of calcium. 

  • Almonds

Almonds are also a rich source of calcium. Along with that, it contains fatty acids, vitamin E, antioxidants, and proteins. These together help strengthen your bones, keep your heart healthy, and improve memory power. 

  • Green Vegetables

Leafy green veggies are also excellent for calcium intake. Therefore, you can consider adding food items like Spinach, Kale, and others. 

Bottom Line

Overall, nutrients are something that helps our body run efficiently. And in any way, when your body lacks these, things can turn serious. However, prevention is the key here as you can make changes in your diet as per your needs. Once you’re aware of the signs of calcium deficiency, you can intake proper calcium from the food items mentioned above. Hope this blog helps.