Acne is a condition that everyone gets once in their lifetime. This acne can happen anywhere, such as the face, back, shoulder, stomach, and even chest. Acne is not age or gender specific and can happen to anyone. Let’s know what chest acne is, its causes, and how to prevent it in this article.

What is Chest Acne?

Acne is the most common health condition that doctors treat. It is produced when oil glands produce sebum and then pores are clogged by dead skin cells. This acne is a part of a condition called truncal acne. This condition can also lead to acne on the shoulder and back. Truncal acne happens in almost 50% of the people who face acne situations. Chest acne is also known as chestne. 

Acne on chest generally starts during puberty and mainly affects teenagers. Most people only have acne as pimples, while others may have more serious ones. These severe acne can leave scars and even poor self-esteem. Scarring generally happens because of cystic acne, a painful form of acne.

In most cases, these acne go away in the early 20s but they can also stay longer and can happen to adults. Some females can experience acne during their pregnancy, while many people can get it because of stress.

What Causes Chest Acne

Acne is often developed as a blackhead, whitehead, or deep pimple lesion. Some chest acne causes are:

  • Bacteria
  • Overgrowth of cutibacterium acnes
  • Clogged hair follicles or pores
  • Inflammation of the skin
  • Increased oil production
  • Genetic
  • Hormonal
  • Environmental factors

How to Get Rid of Chest Acne

Acne not only looks bad on the skin they are also painful and can cause irritation. Therefore, one must know how to get rid of chest acne female or even male. Since these occur on the chest, which is generally covered, it traps oil and sweat on the skin, making it difficult to treat.

Usually home remedies can help in improving chest acne symptoms. In case it does not work, you can always approach a doctor for topical treatment or medicines.

Let’s look at some ways of treating this at home:

  • Showering
  • Regularly exfoliating
  • Switching laundry detergents
  • Minor lifestyle changes
  • Staying hydrated
  • Limited carbohydrates and sugar
  • Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid-containing skin care products 

You can also apply doctor-suggested creams, lotions, sunscreen, and moisturizers to keep the skin clear, clean, and hydrated. Some clinical medical treatment options include HydraFacials, laser treatment, and chemical peels.

How to Choose the Right Acne Doctor?

In the event that you need to see a doctor for acne treatment, consider the following before selecting your physician: 

  • Look for a doctor specializing in chest acne treatment.
  • Prefer seeking medical guidance from a dermatologist.
  • Consider the doctor who is ready to create a personalized treatment plan for your acne situation.
  • The doctor should have expertise in handling mild to severe acne situations.
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Final Thought

Acne on the chest is a very common situation, and many people face it. In most cases, these are cured with simple medications and making lifestyle changes. In case it is not cured, you can seek medical help to clear your skin from acne. It would help if you also visited the doctor to rule out any possibility of any other serious skin condition. In order to rule out any other option, your doctor could prescribe specific tests and drugs to treat your acne.