Sudden weight gain can happen because of many reasons like lifestyle changes. On the other hand, it can also be because of any underlying medical condition, like insomnia, kidney disease, or cirrhosis. Most people experience this unexpected weight gain because of dietary changes, such as an increase of 1 or 2 kgs. Let’s learn more about it and the reasons behind it.

Reasons for Sudden Weight Gain

A sudden weight gain may happen because of what you eat, such as sugary food. It can be frustrating when you are not aware of its cause. Although diet plays a vital role in this gain, it can also be because of lack of sleep, stress, or some medicines. Let’s look at some of the reasons:

  • Stress: Stress is an essential reason for sudden weight gain in stomach and thighs. Excess stress can negatively affect the body, such as impacting digestion. It also causes people to indulge in stress eating and a decrease in physical activity, causing weight gain.
  • Hypothyroidism: People whose thyroid glands do not make enough hormones also experience weight gain. It can also dry your skin, thin your hair, and make you feel constipated, cold, depressed, or tired.
  • Slower Metabolism: Unexpected weight gain also happens because of slow metabolism. Metabolism often reduces with age, resulting in eating the wrong food, too much food, or not exercising.
  • Certain Medications: One of the causes of sudden weight gain female is taking birth control pills. Similarly, other medications could be corticosteroids, treating schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, diabetes, and depression.
  • Hormonal Changes: Specific hormonal changes are also a reason for unexpected weight gain. Hormones can change because of Cushing syndrome, menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome, or pregnancy.
  • Fluid Build Up: Your body can swell or bloat because of excess fluid in your body tissues. It can be because of kidney or heart failure, menstruation, any medicine you may have taken, or preeclampsia.
  • Lifestyle Change: People often wonder what is the reason for sudden weight gain, especially when they quit smoking. Many people who quit smoking are expected to gain at least 2-5 kgs of weight in the first six months or even more.

Ways to Fix Sudden Weight Gain

Now that you know the causes of sudden weight gain, let’s look at how to fix it:

  • Don’t Blame Yourself: The first reaction to weight gain is to start blaming yourself. However, it is essential not to do so. It is necessary for your mental health as it can be demotivating. You must accept that your body is perfect for the changes to show its results.
  • Minimize Stress: There are various ways through which stress can be reduced, such as regular exercise, sleeping for at least 8 hours, relaxation activities, listening to music, or participating in favorite activities. The bottom line is to do what you like the most.
  • Blood Tests: Get your whole body blood check-up to determine any underlying medical conditions. These blood tests include thyroid check-ups as well. If the thyroid is high, it confirms a low hormone level, and you may be advised to take medication.
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There can be many reasons for sudden weight gain, such as depression, anxiety, certain medicines, insomnia, or hormonal imbalance because of polycystic ovary syndrome. It is always better to get yourself checked by a healthcare provider who can thoroughly examine you to rule out any underlying health condition.