Have you ever seen people with uncontrollable movements? It could be anything like unnecessary shaking, muscle stiffness or difficulty in making balance? If yes, they might be suffering from Parkinson’s disease

It is basically a brain disorder. In this disease, a person struggles with unintended body movements. Parkinson’s symptoms usually begin very slowly. Yet, it gets worse with time. Now, research says that men are more prone to Parkinson’s than women. Similarly, as per studies, aged people are more likely to get this than youngsters. 

Willing to know more about it? If yes, this article will help you. 

What happens in Parkinson’s disease? 

In Parkinson’s disease, a portion of your brain starts to degenerate. And with time, you might see more severe symptoms. Although this disease is often associated with affecting muscles and body movements, it can also affect your other senses. Apart from this, you should also be aware of the fact that Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common diseases in aged people. 

Factors that cause Parkinson’s disease

Below you’ll read some common parkinson’s disease cause that will help you understand what can lead you to this dangerous disease. 

Parkinson’s disease is mainly caused by the loss of dopamine-producing cells in the brain. 

While the exact reasons behind this cell loss aren’t fully understood, several factors have been identified as potential contributors. 

  • One major factor is genetics. Certain genetic mutations have been linked to an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease. 
  • Environmental factors also play a role, such as exposure to toxins like pesticides and herbicides. 
  • Then, age is another major factor. It is because Parkinson’s is more common in aged people as mentioned above. 
  • Research also states that a mix of genetics and environmental factors can also give rise to this disease. 
  • Some studies suggest that head injuries and traumatic brain injuries may also increase the risk of Parkinson’s.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease symptoms are different from everyone. At first, the symptoms are minor. It starts with one side of the body. Although, later on things start to get worse. 

  • If you have Parkinson’s, your hands and fingers can experience unwanted shaking. It happens especially when you’re not doing anything. 
  • Then, sometimes you may struggle to move things quickly. It’s like, the things you used to do in minutes will now take more time. For example, you might begin to walk slower than usual. 
  • Then, your muscles might feel tight and painful, making it tough to move smoothly.
  • You might start to hunch over or have difficulty keeping your balance, which could make you more prone to falling.
  • Things you used to do without thinking, like blinking, smiling, or swinging your arms when you walk, might become harder.
  • You might speak softly, quickly, or slur your words. Sometimes, you might have trouble starting to speak or your voice might sound flat.
  • Lastly, it could become tricky to write neatly, and your handwriting might become smaller.
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Treatments of Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease treatments usually put focus on managing its symptoms. There are medicines available like levodopa that increase dopamine levels in the brain. It then eases the movement issues. Dopamine agonists mimic dopamine’s effects, also helping with movement. MAO-B inhibitors and COMT inhibitors help preserve dopamine levels by blocking its breakdown.

Then, there’s deep brain stimulation that involves surgically implanting electrodes in the brain to regulate abnormal nerve signals, reducing tremors and stiffness. 

Apart from that, physical therapy and exercise can also enhance mobility, balance, and flexibility. Then, speech therapy can address speech and swallowing difficulties.

Lastly, occupational therapy teaches strategies to manage daily tasks despite motor challenges. Dietary adjustments, like high-fiber intake to alleviate constipation, are also beneficial. 

In short, Parkinson’s disease treatment combines medication, therapies, and lifestyle adjustments to alleviate symptoms and enhance overall well-being. 


Overall, Parkinson’s disease can harm you in multiple ways. However, if you know the right symptoms and factors that cause this, you may take preventive measures beforehand. Hope this article helps.